Codeavour 2023 results. recongnize face reactionProject Description: (DOUBLE CLICK THE START BUTTON) a short game with only one level, on the California law that is being put in place for cars and how they need to be electric and hybrid by 2025. Codeavour 2023 results

recongnize face reactionProject Description: (DOUBLE CLICK THE START BUTTON) a short game with only one level, on the California law that is being put in place for cars and how they need to be electric and hybrid by 2025Codeavour 2023 results  Project Theme: Save the Environment Project Category: Games & Animations Country: IndiaProject Description: CropCare is an affordable system that allows farmers to be less dependant on the monsoon season by watering the crops automatically based on the moisture present in the soil and helps provide farmers with resources to correctly identify and treat diseases

All Projects. <img width="2560" height="441" src="class="attachment-full size-full wp-image-282" alt. If You Win It Will Say YOU WIN!. Codeavour will provide rewards for the successful registration of 20 teams from your school, including a Certificate of Academic Excellence in AI & Coding for the school, a Certificate of Changemaker for the Teacher. Project Description: our project will pump water in the plant whenever necessary, and increase or decrease the temperature of surroundings for plants when needed. Create Training Partner Page You are already logged-in! Go to DashboardCheckout Skip Payment for LaterProject Description: It is a worker who collects garbage bags and passes them in front of cars Project Theme: Save the Environment Project Category: Games & Animations Country: EgyptMy project is about collecting garbage and saving the environment. Project Theme: Revolutionize the Agriculture Project Category: AI and ML Projects Country: United Arab EmiratesProject Description: In this project i have shown how to save our environment by different methods hope u like my project Project Theme: Save the Environment Project Category: Storytelling Country: IndiaThe Father’s Will Project designed by the student Yasmine Khaled and the student Bilal Khaled The story of a father and his sons and a will about the importance of agricultural land and preserving it because it represents life, and the children must increase the area of agricultural land, which is the real treasure and a source of goodThis is why we decided to create a project that revolves around preserving the environment and focusing on recycling and waste sorting. Trees help us keep our life going. Codeavour 2023 is the biggest Global AI & Coding Competition hosted annually by STEMpedia at an International Level for students of Age Group 7-18 years, where they make innovative. Project Theme: Make Smart Transportation System Project Category: Games & Animations Country: NigeriaProject Description: We created an app which’s main purpose is to teach people about the importance of stopping water pollution Project Theme: Save the Environment Project Category: AI and ML Projects, Games & Animations Country: United Arab EmiratesProject Description: This project help use to be more healthy it shows us the suitable way when we sit in working or driving and pay us attention when we in wrong position Project Theme: Strengthen the Health Infrastructure Project Category: AI and ML Projects, Hardware Projects Country: EgyptProject Description: This program recognizes the image of the sign from the signs of the deaf and dumb, analyzes it, and then speaks in Arabic what this sign means. Fire rescue systems in schools typically include a combination of fire alarms, fire extinguishers, sprinklers, and emergency evacuation. People should prompt some laws to reduce environmental pollution; Project Theme: Save the Environment Project Category: Storytelling Country: IndiaIntroduction to Programming. 5492 teams from almost a hundred countries participated. Codeavour 2021 Results; Codeavour 2020 Results; Events; Login; Register; How to get the Best Photograph Hosting Review. Project Theme: Save the Environment Project Category: Games & Animations Country: EgyptSave the world and do notProject Description: The idea is based on protecting the house from accidents that may be caused by the water heater and natural gas in homes. The. Mathematics Quiz is a small test administered to know the students'. Save fruits - Codeavour 2022. After opening the game there will be a interface. Overpopulation, urbanization and the growing technology are among the few reasons for solid waste. Project Description: This is an Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Model Based on Data Science Domain using Classification Dataset This Model will be used to "Strengthen the Health Infrastructure" by taking the Health Parameters of the Patient Such as BP, cholesterol, etc. This is user friendly because developed by Artifical intelligence. Blue circle . QR Code ScannerProject Description: We observe that our from our school tank lots of water is wasted so to reduce the water wastage and save the power we want to make this project. It provides safe and healthy environment. We hope you guys like our project, we tried our best in it. City: New Delhi. Team: guptanatali240. This makes them very sad and depressed which can be solved by encouraging them to. Project Theme: Revolutionize the Agriculture Project Category: AI. For the game, I made a concept of a bike that can pick up garbage by simply going cycling. Problem Statement: Deforestation leads to wild animals entering human areas and disrupting the ecological balance. القرن الذي تم فيه اكتشاف طبقات الغلاف الجوي سبحان الخالق، حقا . It is a quiz. Pollutants can be natural or man made such as sewage and waste thrown by factories. ) Nitrogen Oxide 3. THIS WILL MAKE THEIR MOVEMENT EASY IT CAN BEHAVE AS THEIR THIRD EYE Project Theme: Automate the Surroundings Project Category: Hardware Projects Country: IndiaMany farmers are facing the problem of picking up fruits feeling too tired especially with crops. Horse projectSenior citizens' cognitive health declines as they age. How the world eats is dramatically changing. Date: 10/02/2023 Time: 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm ISTProject Description: The Racing game is a game that helps entertain kids and let them focus on achieving their goal. By. Learn to code. So Weather are changing from place to another boats & plans are travelling from place to another so they should have program to help them know the weather So I made a program to help them know the weather when they was at the air or at the sea they will know go. Become a Community Partner. So, my project- Senior gaming, is an AI-enabled memory recall. The general concept involves inhabitants, represented as colorful spheres, moving around an enclosed area and interacting with each other through contact. The game will be updated with new levels, based on the 9 climate crisis. Face detection - Codeavour 2022. lighting - Codeavour 2022. Chemicals, garbage, bacteria, and parasites are examples of pollutants. Reduce waste handling & disposal volume , and cost without compromising. About: We focus on creating opportunities for children to use their natural curiosity and to lead them through discovery, imagination, questioning, learning, and growing. Project Description: This video describes the solar system and the elements in it. Digitalization, and particularly drone technology, has the power to transform agriculture. Both players have buckets to collect water drops. Exposure to these excessive gases can produce a variety of health effects. Task Three: Translating texts from any language to Arabic or English. Project Theme: Save the Environment Project Category: Games & Animations Country: IndiaProject Description: CropCare is an affordable system that allows farmers to be less dependant on the monsoon season by watering the crops automatically based on the moisture present in the soil and helps provide farmers with resources to correctly identify and treat diseases. While all these words mean "a method devised for making or doing something or achieving an end," project often stresses imaginative scope and vision. Codeavour 2022 UAE Prizes More than 30 Prizes in a total of worth AED20,000 Prizes for Students Winner One in each age group (Total 3) AED1000 Cash Prize First Runner Up Two in each age group (Total 6) AED500 Cash Prize Second Runner Up Five in each age group (Total 15) AED100 Cash Prize Girl […]<img width="2560" height="441" src="class="attachment-full size-full wp-image-282" alt. It can translate any words to your desired language. Codeavour Learn REAL coding skills Sign up for free today! LoginResults. Trees provide us oxygen which we depend upon to breathe. our project is about a game that teaches us how to keep our enveroument clean and recycling how our game is played. public parks - Codeavour 2022. Collaborate with Us. The three tools are essential for making life easier and more efficient. The text books can be scanned using. . Project Theme: Save the Environment Project Category: Hardware Projects Country: IndiaOur Ambassador It seems we can’t find what you’re looking for. A smart bag program that helps children remember their textbooks and thus increase their academic achievement. Country: Iraq. Sometimes they stay for monthes without being able to get out and play. Now-a-days using plastic usage is more and throwing the plastic on earth and in water. Academic Partners. A talk between student and teacher. Task Four: Calculating the grades of main subjects:. Results. Do not disturb natureProject Description: I have made one translator in pictoblox. This solution eliminates the need to touch the lid of dustbins and reduces the spread of germs. recongnize face reactionProject Description: (DOUBLE CLICK THE START BUTTON) a short game with only one level, on the California law that is being put in place for cars and how they need to be electric and hybrid by 2025. Amity International School, Noida - Codeavour 2022. Our 'Smart Recycling Trash' will not open to anything unless the object is intended for this trash, for example if the trash is for metal will not open except for metal. Organisation Details. The aim of my project is to teach kids useful information in a. public parksProject Description: Growing seeds is a demanding task that requires a lot of effort and time, especially if it is done manually. Project Description: It will identify if the person wears a mask or not, and if he wears it, he will thank him and encourage him to continue And if he is not wearing a mask, he will be asked to wear it. can be used to sense guns and illegal items and alert the police straight away, this helps by ensuring secure. Material: -Minature seeds container -Pictoblox Programme . It has five tabs which lead to games where you can earn badges that shall motivate kids to save the environment. Thw idea behind this is, once developed properly it can be used to transport several things. Certificate of. puple colour line is starting point. shiva - Codeavour 2022. How is it helpful? Wild Watcher improves the quality of life for people and protects. Project Theme: Strengthen the Health Infrastructure Project Category: Games & Animations Country: JordanEnjoy the game. These questions are quite easy to solve and will not take much time. Project Description: Greetings it’s an automatic dog, which operates on commands. So our project will educate on harmful effects of Air pollution, Water Pollution & Noise pollution. If you enter correct answer it shows correct answer or else it shows Wrong answer Then it moves on and ask another question on it will display very Good or else try again. About: An academy for teaching children robotics and programming from the age of 6 to 18 years. Project Description: This game was developed in pictoblox. In our project using ‘WEDO’ we have. Automated Trash collectors would automatically collect trash bags from smart dustbins and drop them at the garbage collection center. In today’s world we are usually lost in our own world, using our devices and not even bothered about agriculture. to start a race, press green flag. Become a Codeavour Ambassador. We need to enter the latitude and longitude. Project Description: You are a fish avoiding trash Project Theme: Save the Environment Project Category: Games & Animations Country: United Arab EmiratesOrganisation Details. Land. To solve this, I designed a robot project that performs the process of picking up ripe fruits from trees using artificial intelligence. I have taken a red ball sprite and it will move on a base. The translator should also. The idea of the device depends on a key in the station that each passenger presses to show the last update of the number of passengers in each station on the main station system and the driver’s mobile phone. About: IoT KIDS is the first company of its kind in Iraq where you can invest in your children’s time and creativity. lightingWeather report system weather is used to find the weather status globally with latitude and longitude. Project Description: This crop growth analyzer is very useful for farmers. Project Description: This is a story telling project between two friends about the environmental pollution. Project Description:The results are out from Codeavour 2020. Task Two: Converting text to speech. Project Description: My Project is about a maze game to help entertain kids to learn how to take the right decision In their life Project Theme: Make Smart Transportation System Project Category: Games & Animations Country: United Arab EmiratesProject Description: This is Motorcycle game in which you need to dodge the trees with your motorcycle using the right or left arrow keys on your system. Smart School Bag is an intelligent system presented to assist pupil in their timetable management and also to assure their security. Recognition at the international level. The vacuum itself is powered by electricity that we can. I made a story part of the game to make it more interesting to kids then I created a game consists of 2 levels. Be the first one to get all the latest updates about Codeavour 5. Yellow car - space button for moving forward, to press 1 for moving upward, press 3 for turning left, press 2 for downward. Project Details. Benefits of Maths Quiz Questions :-Solving questions will help students to enhance their knowledge and boost their self-confidence. As an Academic Partner with Codeavour 2022, your role is to create awareness about the program in your school or training center. So. Project Theme: Save the Environment Project Category: Games. My project includes several tasks and works on the Windows computer system. Project Description: I made a race game. <img width="768" height="1024" src="class="attachment-large size-large wp. Project Theme: Save the Environment Project Category: Games & Animations Country: IndiaFood-AI monitors your daily meals or foods and it will warn you sometimes through SMS whether you need to eat healthier food or unbalanced nutrition and more. The biggest online AI & coding competition for kids Result Declared! CODEAVOUR 5. Codeavour 2022 Registrations are Closed!This is a game developed to clean water in pictoblox application. There are total 7 round of different base and backdrop. My name is Mariam Al-Sotri from Amna Bint Wahab school. Project Theme: Save the Environment Project Category: Storytelling Country: IndiaProject Details. 0 International is Coming Soon! Be the first one to get all the latest updates about. Learn to code. A translator or language translation program is a software application or service that translates text or speech from one language to another. Blue circle. This is mainly developed for taking an appointment in Nearby Hospital To book a Bed, consultation of doctor and vaccaination. Our project comes under the theme Save the environment. Household and. Some common synonyms of project are design, plan, plot, and scheme. <img width="2560" height="441" src="class="attachment-full size-full wp-image-282" alt. Academic Partners. Project Details. My program name is ‘Save The Earth’. I hope by this program I. Project Description: #blueflower#pictoblox # Codeavour 2023; Project Theme: Revolutionize the Agriculture; Project Category: AI. <img width="2560" height="441" src="class="attachment-full size-full wp-image-282" alt. How, you ask? By making use of the vacuum strapped to the front of it of course! This way, we can save the environment, and also be healthy. This is an illustration of the project and the device. Project Theme: Automate the Surroundings Project Category: AI and ML Projects Country: IndiaProject Description: This App helps people who suffer from symptoms that may be due to blood pressure or heart diseases to diagnose their diseases, direct them to what to do, and remind their medications. If you won the game there. There are different types of Environmental Pollution such as air, water, noise, land, radioactive, light, thermal. لما. Project Details. Participation in codeavourCodeavour 2023 is the biggest Global AI & Coding Competition hosted annually by STEMpedia at an International Level for students of Age Group 7-18 years, where they make innovative projects in PictoBlox with the destined purpose of making the world a better place. Powered by machine learning, the AI will list the foods user eats and will calculate the nutrition from the foods, and will tell whether the user’s dietary habit is still unbalanced or not. Project Theme: Strengthen the Health Infrastructure. ) Sulphur Dioxide 5. Material: -EV3 Robot -Pliers -Computer and cameraProject Details. The project comes under the category Artificial Intelligence. When performed playing correctly, this can reduce dependence on landfill, conserve resources. Resources make life possible on earth. Green car - right arrow for moving rightside, up arrow for upwards, left arrow for left side, down. 0 International is Coming Soon! Be the first one to get all the latest updates about Codeavour 5. catch the ball - Codeavour 2022. If the person is really near the wall it makes a loud sound. 2. If the ball touch the red line then the level will be restarted. Project Description: I have found an innovative solution for Bus riders to make their travelling easier, it helps them find a Bus number they need or find the route a specific Bus is taking. Project Description: this project is creating a delivery system and I used Quarky to display what he thinks of the items that is been delivered is it healthy or not Project Theme: Automate the Surroundings Project Category: AI and ML Projects, Hardware Projects Country: United Arab EmiratesProject Description: A conversation between two persons talking about methods to improve and develop agriculture in Iraq Project Theme: Save the Environment Project Category: Storytelling Country: IraqProject Description: Project is made using Python as a programming language which facilitates the user to calculate based on the inputted operand and the numbers. - It’s always an inspiration to witness our solutions impact the lives of people, especially healthcare professionals. I have made it as a game. Join Us Why Collaborate? Opportunity to BRING A CHANGE by motivating students and schools. The player who collects more water drops will be the winner of the game. Codeavour 2022 is the biggest Global AI & […]Project Description: To create lot and lots of awareness among each individuals leaving on the earth to reduce the waste problem. During this edition, 68000+ Teams from 65+ Countries registered for the competition, learned AI & Coding concepts via free boot camps and thousands of unique AI & Coding projects were submitted by young students to make the. <img width="2560" height="441" src="class="attachment-full size-full wp-image-282" alt. Project Theme: Make Smart Transportation System Project Category: Games & Animations Country: United Arab EmiratesIt's a program based on AI that helps people identify victims of earthquakes and disasters available missing persons and link them lists of survivors or deceased, with face detection and text to speech, the app has two interfaces, savior and users if match is made between the images entered by the saviors and the users it automatically gives the status of the. So there is a need of reducing plastic usage. Country: India.